The Fuze Foundation


To Promote Humanism – The Fuze Foundation promotes equality and diversity in society by providing the public the choice of solemn and dignified Humanist Marriage and Funeral Ceremonies to those who share ethical Humanists beliefs as defined in the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) Declaration of the World Humanist Congress of 2002.


To Embrace Diversity and Inclusivity – Celebrate life, embrace diversity, and inspire harmony with our inclusive Funeral Ceremonies. Regardless of race, belief, or religion, The Fuze Foundation provides a meaningful service for everyone. Our ceremonies can incorporate religious rituals and beliefs, ensuring that we cater to the diverse needs and interests of our community. We aim to support the public in their time of grief and encourage respect and collaboration amongst individuals of different beliefs. We honour loved ones with a ceremony that embraces unity and inclusivity.


To Promote Religious Harmony – Promote religious harmony and respect in times of grief by working harmoniously with people of different beliefs, without imposing strict guidelines on Funeral ceremonies.


To Fight Funeral Poverty and Support Families in Need – By campaigning and working tirelessly, The Fuze Foundation is dedicated to preventing and alleviating poverty. Our primary focus is on addressing the issues of Funeral Poverty, a devastating hardship faced by many families.

To support bereaved families, we offer Funeral Ceremonies (Celebrant services only) free of charge. In addition, we are working closely with other social enterprises, like Caledonian Funeral Aid, and Funeral Link Dundee, to provide Funeral Celebrant services at low or no cost to those recently bereaved and experiencing financial hardship

Our mission is to make a meaningful impact and ensure that no family is burdened by the weight of Funeral Poverty. We offer solace and support to those in their greatest time of need.


Supporting Charities – Our Commitment to Financial Aid – At The Fuze Foundation, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on charitable organisations. To bring about this change, we not only provide financial support but also actively promote their invaluable work. We accumulate funds through two distinct sources:
  1. The collective efforts of the Fuze Foundation members in organising, and participating in, fundraising activities
  2. By allocating a percentage of the fee from all legal marriage ceremonies performed by Fuze Foundation Marriage Officers.

Fuze Ceremonies Beatson Cancer Charity MND Scotland

Furthermore, we actively contribute by sharing knowledge and information, amplifying the reach of these honourable causes. Every year, we select charities based on an inclusive decision-making process. Through a majority vote from our members, the chosen organisations receive our unwavering support for the year ahead. At The Fuze Foundation, we are committed to uplifting communities through meaningful contributions.

This year we are supporting the tireless work of Beatson Cancer Charity and MND Scotland. Read how we supported our 2024 charity partners HERE

We do not profit from Humanist Marriage Ceremonies and offer Funeral Ceremonies at no cost to those suffering financial hardship.

By choosing to have your ceremony with Fuze, you are aiding our continued support to charities as well as providing Ceremonies for those in need.

We actively contribute by sharing knowledge and information, amplifying the reach of these honourable causes.