Linda Norgrove Foundation

November 19, 2012by anne

The Linda Norgrove Foundation is a grant-giving trust that funds education, health and childcare for women and children affected by the war in Afghanistan.

The Trust was set up in memory of, Scottish aid worker, Linda Norgrove who was devoted to ensuring that the people of Afghanistan would achieve prosperity and stability as their country was rebuilt. She was completely committed to her development work and she loved Afghanistan and its people. Linda was kidnapped and subsequently died during a failed rescue attempt in Afghanistan in October 2010.

If you don’t already know, at the head of the foundation are Linda’s parents John and Lorna who undertake the management and coordination of the organisation. Earlier this year they visited Afghanistan, primarily to visit projects the Foundation has funded but also to meet with Linda’s friends and colleagues and to try and gain a better understanding of the situation there.

Afghanistan proves to be a very difficult country to work and the need for the schemes the foundation provides is tremendous. The social and political situation remains complex so care is needed before making any assumptions.

What remains clear, apart from everything else, is the desperate need for education of all the population. With education will come prosperity and more importantly hopefully political stability? We can only hope that the 438 members of the UK military who have died there to date have not died in vain and that one day the people of Afghanistan will be able to live freely and without fear of oppression.

We at Fuze hope to continue to support the work of the foundation and ask that if you would like to offer your support to them do visit their web site as above.