Finalists at the ASB Awards 2014

July 18, 2014by alison

The Association of Scottish Businesswomen (ASB) was founded in 1995 and is the umbrella organisation for business and professional women’s clubs throughout Scotland. The ASB has become the voice of all women in business across Scotland, inspiring, linking and supporting women to increase and strengthen their opportunities.

We are very excited to announce that we are finalists at the Association of Scottish Business Women Awards 2014, not just in ONE category but FOUR!!!

Fuze celebrated their 2nd birthday earlier this year and looking back over the years we’ve come a long way and it’s an honour to be nominated for such prestigious awards, and we’re sure the other finalists will agree.

The categories we are nominated in are:

Best Business-Charity Partnership

Recognition of Outstanding Contribution

Young Business of the Year

Best Performing Team of the Year

It’s been great to see who the other finalists are and amazing to look at what other Scottish Businesswomen are achieving and an honour to be nominated alongside them all.

So, in true Commonwealth Games Spirit, we’ll also be going for Gold this summer and if it’s not the (four) trophies we come home with on the night we’ll be equally as happy with the finalist medals.