The Year Ahead with Alzheimer Scotland and The Fuze Foundation

March 16, 2023by GMcLean
Picture: Morag Webster Trustee of The Fuze Foundation, Lauran Farmer, Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator for Alzheimer Scotland, Judith Hughes, Stakeholder Engagement Leader for Alzheimer Scotland and George McLean, Fuze Brand Ambassador

A Warm Welcome From Alzheimer Scotland

Morag Webster, Trustee of The Fuze Foundation and George McLean, Brand Ambassador at Fuze, recently visited the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Resource Centre in Alloa (one of 24 in Scotland)and received the warmest of welcomes from Lauran Farmer, Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator and Judith Hughes, Stakeholder Engagement Leader (pictured above inside left & right), alongside Donna Paterson, Dementia Advisor and Denise Priestly, Community Activities Organiser (pictured below inside left & right). During the visit Morag and George had the opportunity to sit in on a Memory Cafe run by Donna and Denise with the participants and carers having nothing but praise and thanks for the amazing work done locally and nationally by Alzheimer Scotland.

Donna Paterson, Dementia Advisor and Denise Priestly, Community Activities Organiser support and run the Alloa Resource Centre

Alzheimer Scotland In Numbers

Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity. Their aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. They provide support and information to people with dementia, their carers and families, they campaign for the rights of people with dementia and fund vital dementia research. Their 24 Dementia Resource Centres across Scotland provide a safe and friendly environment for people with dementia and their carers to visit and take part in a wide variety of activity groups.

Rightly so, they are very proud of their 24 hour Freephone Dementia Helpline which provides information and emotional support to people with dementia, carers, families, friends and professionals, and have a network of Dementia Advisors employed by Alzheimer Scotland who work in local communities to support people with a diagnosis by giving advice and information.

They have over 9,000 members, over 90,000 Dementia Friends and are supported by over 1,000 volunteers. They employ around 550 full and part-time staff, mainly in our service-provision projects across Scotland.

The Year Ahead

Caroline Miller, Lead for Stakeholder Engagement at Alzheimer Scotland said: “We are delighted to have been chosen by Fuze as one of their charities to support this year. Our mission as a charity is to make sure no one faces dementia alone and the money raised will go towards our front line services such as our Freephone 24-hour Helpline and our network of Dementia Advisors who play a vital role at the heart of communities across Scotland helping people to live well with dementia for as long as possible, providing information and advising on their rights. Like Fuze, we are there for people at a very important point of their lives. With over 90,000 people in Scotland living with a diagnosis we rely on support from organisations like Fuze to help us fund these services”.

Prevent – Care – Cure

Their work on the Prevent theme has been greatly enhanced by the development of our Brain Health Scotland initiative > Read more HERE

The core of their work is, and always will be, Care. That includes providing as much frontline support and services that we can in order to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. Not forgetting their amazing 24 Hour FREEPHONE Dementia Helpline.

And their final theme is Cure. In recent years, we have worked with and supported an exceptional group of academics and research institutions through the Scottish Dementia Research Consortium (SDRC) and directly funding two research centres. More detailed information on these three topics can be found HERE.

Fundraising Help Is Needed

There are a range of fundraising events to get involved in which can be accessed HERE.


Morag Webster, Trustee of The Fuze Foundation added; “The Fuze Foundation are delighted to be supporting Alzheimer Scotland this year and will extend our support past the normal route of financial means. This will include, but not limited to, a range of collaborations and initiatives focussing on knowledge sharing and working together to educate employees, individuals and families across a range of mutual topics.”



To donate to our Fuze Foundation Alzheimer Scotland Give Back Appeal 2023/24 click picture below

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