Thursday Thoughts: See it; Say it; Trust it

June 20, 2019by lauraw

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been thinking about how we can be the best possible version of ourselves, and this week we’ve decided to take a look at a couple of ways we can visualise, and therefore reach our goals!

Achievers always write their plans down

Traditionally, people set goals by using their present situation as a starting point.  They look at what they are good at and then decide what they need to do to achieve success.  People who go on to achieve – whether in sport, business, education, music or whatever their chosen field – do the exact opposite.  They dream of the end result and then plan backwards.

Fear of failure is a blocker

Have a think about how many times you may have felt anxious about achieving a long term goal.  It could be your final exams, even though they are a few years away?  By continually telling yourself that your goals are an impossible dream, you are subconsciously plumping up the cushions for a soft mental landing!  You may be happy, even euphoric, about reaching a short term goal, but fear of failure can cloud a person’s ability to visualise achieving their dream and can result in feelings of anxiety. Anxiety is a growing problem and if you allow it, anxiety absolutely has the power to barricade your road to success.

To smash down the barriers holding you back from success and to give anxiety the heave-ho, we highly recommend getting in touch with Time to Change.  In just a few short years, Time to Change has reached millions of people with the aim of working to change the way we think and act about anxiety and depression.