Why giving to good causes is part of the Fuze DNA

September 12, 2017by alison

Here’s me, at the tender age of 50 (ahem-ish) I decided to take on my first standard distance Triathlon. Been out cycling in the rain today, at home in Arisiag. My goal on 24th September is a 1 mile open water swim, 40K Bike, 10K run at Triagh Beach near Arisaig (so plenty of hills included)

Enough about that … my inspiration? A close family member was seriously injured in a car accident in May. She was lucky to be admitted to the Spinal Injuries Unit in Glasgow Queen Elizabeth Hospital. For months and I’ve been helping care for her. Watching her try to re-build her life, to start to come to terms with crippling injuries and life ahead in a wheelchair – the training I have been doing pales into insignificance. The effort people with Spinal Injuries put in – with 4 hours Physio a day, 5 days a week, crying in pain and struggling to do even the simplest of tasks that able bodied people take for granted. And that’s just the physical side of a spinal injury, the impact mentally is unimaginable for most of us. The people I have met have been a real inspiration. Their strength, determination and will to live is truly awesome.

One of the saving graces about spending so much time in a hospital has been Horatios garden which is staffed and managed by volunteers. It provides a green, peaceful space to help rehabilitate.

The Fuze team have also been working on the launch of a Free Service for those impacted by a stillborn or baby death. We plan to use some of the funds in the Foundation to offer this service and to support families who are impacted by this tragedy.

So, as you can see, I’m doing the Triathlon for someone I love dearly, Hildegard, and hope to raise some money for the Garden and to help families who have lost a child. The Fuze Foundation gives 100% of its funds to good causes.

If you would like to donate to the Fuze Foundation, you can get in touch with us here

I’ll post an after race blog too. Anne xx