£5,333 of Fuze Foundation Give Back – Q2 June 2024 to August 2024

September 11, 2024by GMcLean
Pictured above:(left), George McLean, Fuze Brand Ambassador, Charlene Low (middle left), Regional Fundraising Manager from Beatson Cancer Charity, Emma Russell (middle right), Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator, Alzheimer Scotland, and Morag Webster, Chair of The Fuze Foundation (right)

Our 2nd Quarter ‘give back’


Morag Webster, Chair of The Fuze Foundation and George McLean, Fuze Brand Ambassador met with representatives from both our charity partners and revealed their individual give back amounts for quarter 2 as £4,333 for Beatson Cancer Charity and £1,000 for Alzheimer Scotland.

This brings our HALF YEAR TOTAL to an incredible £7,346

The Fuze Foundation donated £1000 to each charity in Quarter 2 (donated from legal humanist wedding ceremony fees), with additional fundraising totalling £3,333, as a result of our Fuze Ceremonies Celebrant, Nicole Lowther and Clare Dougall fundraising for Beatson Cancer Charity by taking part in the Off The Beatson Track event on the 25th of August 2024 in Glasgow.

Inclusive of Gift Aid, Nicole raised £2,883 and Claire raised £450.

 Clare, husband Carl and their very excited baby son Louis getting reading to support Beatson.

Nicole (third from right) with her family gang who ‘walked the walk’ for Beatson.

On the 14th Feb 2024 we announced our two charity partners for 2024, for the second successive year, as Beatson Cancer Charity and Alzheimer Scotland. Couples who choose to be married by Fuze are supporting this ongoing work as a portion of each legal humanist wedding fee is donated to our good causes. Whatsmore, these two incredible Scottish charities have been chosen for a second year in succession as our two partner charities allowing us to continue into a second year of giving back.

Pictured below: Charlene Low, Regional Fundraising Manager from Beatson Cancer Charity (middle) receives the Fuze Foundation Q2 give back cheque from George (right) and Morag (left)
Pictured below: Emma Russell, Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator (middle) from Alzheimer Scotland receives the Fuze Foundation Q2 give back cheque from George (right) and Morag (left)

Morag Webster, Chair of The Fuze Foundation added; ” We are so pleased with our 2nd quarter give back total, and half year results that showcase our passion and commitment to Beatson Cancer Charity and Alzheimer Scotland. We are so proud of Nicole and Clare’s fundraising efforts during the Off The Beatson Track event, along with every single wedding couple who donate by booking their humanist wedding celebrant with us at Fuze. We are now looking forward to seeing what we the second half of the year brings to our partnerships.”





Click HERE to listen to our Fuze Foundation episode on our Say I Do With Fuze Podcast channel.