12 Months Of Giving Back £12,858 To Alzheimer Scotland & Beatson Cancer Charity

Pictured above, representatives from Alzheimer Scotland, Beatson Cancer Charity and celebrant team fundraisers from The Fuze Foundation & Fuze Ceremonies £12,858 of ‘give back’ The Fuze Foundation recently celebrated 12 months of giving back, by revealing a wonderful £12,858 (donated from legal wedding ceremony fees and additional fundraising) to our our two charity partners for...

Fuze Foundation Newsletter – March 2025

Empowerment Through Compassionate Giving! March is an opportunity to spotlight The Fuze Foundation’s commitment to equality, empowerment, and community support, while also launching our new year-long partnerships with Beatson Cancer Charity and MND Scotland. We announced our March 1st 2025 to February 28th 2026 charity partners on Valentines Day 2025, our little way of sharing the love...