The view from the other side

The guests have been asked to stand to receive the bridal party, the music is playing, and there is a buzz in the room, electric with that hint of emotion you expect at a wedding. The groom is standing nervously at the front waiting for his bride to join him at his side. This one...

Diary of a Humanist Wedding Celebrant

Diary of a Humanist Wedding Celebrant By Gillian Phillips The first contact with any couple can come from many different and sometimes unexpected sources! When a couple are starting to plan their wedding, once they’ve decided that they want something very special and completely personal to them, they’ll usually make their first port of call the...

A merry what-ever-you-call-it

Humanists are people who seek to live a good life without a belief in religion or superstitions. So naturally, do not have religious festivals of their own, and value the freedom to choose when and how to celebrate. All kinds of religious festivals, not just Christmas, are increasingly becoming an opportunity for holidays and celebration,...

Fuze wins again

Fuze Ceremonies were lucky enough to be invited to attend the first ever Lochaber Ideas Week, which was held in Fort William between the 18th-23rd of November 2013. This brand new, exciting annual event aims to gather together the like-minded business brains of the local area and acts as a stage for networking, collaboration and...

Wedding at One Devonshire Gardens Glasgow

Earlier this summer I had the honour of marrying a very lovely couple at Hotel Du Vin, One Devonshire Gardens in Glasgow’s west end. The Couple The wedding ceremony was among the most exciting Glasgow weddings that I have conducted; the groom was Scottish and his bride was from India. We included wedding traditions from...

Enterprising Women Run Again

    Run Away Brides Do it again! Not content with running 10K races in Wedding Dresses to raise money for charity, the team behind Fuze Ceremonies are in the running again. They are delighted to be one of five companies in the final to be named Scotland’s most promising start-up by The Enterprise Challenge...

Runaway Brides Team Profile

Find out more about the Run Away team you are joining. Anne Widdop Yes, I married in RED! Memory of dress – I smile every-time I think of the day I married, especially after a 21 year engagement! One of the best days of my life so far. Victoria Bisland Fuze company director, entrepreneur, marriage...