Tales From the Celebranthood:  The Beginning!

Over the next few months we’re going to be using our Thursday Thoughts slot as a kind of portal to transport our readers into the wonderful world of the Celebranthood.  To kick things off, we thought we would start this series of blogs right at the very beginning of the Fuze journey, so this week...

Thursday Thoughts:  Worldwide Birth Traditions

Each week, as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the weird & wonderful traditions from around the world, paying particular attention to the milestones of life.  Last week we shone the spotlight on the UK and the customs & traditions associated with welcoming...

Spotlight on:  Holiday Let Wedding Venues

If you’re familiar with Scotland, we won’t need to remind you that it is a country packed with all kinds of gorgeous!  From serrated snow-capped peaks, ancient woodlands and mile-deep lochs to towns and cities bursting with energy and packed with tales from the dim distant past, Scotland has got it ALL going on.  Therefore,...

Customs & Traditions:  Welcoming a Newborn

Photo by Pixbay As part of the ever-popular ‘Thursday Thoughts’ web trend, every Thursday we like to share some Team Fuze musings.  Previously, we’ve shared a series of blogs on how we can be the best possible version of ourselves, but this week sees the beginning of a new series of blogs where we’re going...

The Significance of Scottish Identity

When we launched our ‘Win a Luxury Scottish Elopement’ giveaway at the beginning of the month, we asked the question ‘why would you like to get married in Scotland?’, and so far the answers have been as varied as the good old Scottish weather!  From the incomparable beauty of Scotland’s land and seascape to the...

Thursday Thoughts:  Leader v Manager

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week we’re shining the spotlight on the difference between leadership and management. There are many definitions of the words, ‘leadership’ and ‘management’, so when in doubt, the...

Thursday Thoughts:  Embrace Change!

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week we’re shining the spotlight on how embracing change can have a hugely positive impact on our lives. Champions embrace change and look to make changes when...

Thursday Thoughts:  How to Think Positively

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  Last week, we had a think about the self-talk cycle and how it can have a huge impact on both our personal and professional lives.  So this week...

Thursday Thoughts:  The Self-Talk Cycle

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week, we thought we’d have a think about the self-talk cycle and how it can have a huge impact on both our personal and professional lives. It...

Humanist Wedding Ceremonies:  Frequently Asked Questions

We might be ever so slightly biased, but we think Humanist wedding ceremonies are the best and so, it seems, does everybody else!   Since the first batch of Humanist wedding ceremonies touched down on Scottish soil back in 2005, there has been a MASSIVE 1372% increase in the number of Humanist ceremonies conducted, dwarfing...