Enterprising Women Run Again

    Run Away Brides Do it again! Not content with running 10K races in Wedding Dresses to raise money for charity, the team behind Fuze Ceremonies are in the running again. They are delighted to be one of five companies in the final to be named Scotland’s most promising start-up by The Enterprise Challenge...

Humanist Weddings set to take over from the Kirk

Read more here …. Humanist weddings in Scotland are poised to overtake Church of Scotland services http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/humanist-weddings-set-to-overtake-those-by-kirk.20851453 and on the BBC too ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-22206854    

Fuze Wins Community Impact Award

Fuze Ceremonies were recognised for the contributions to business and the community at an Award ceremony hosted by Entrepreneurial Spark on 19th Oct. Entrepreneurial Spark, is Britain’s first free business accelerator. Based in Scotland they support start-up businesses across a range of sectors. At the prestigious event, attended by Sir Tom Hunter and Sir Willie Haughey,...

Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond meet Fuze Ceremonies

This month Fuze Ceremonies met Scotland’s First Minister, Alex Salmond. Sadly he’s already married! But, he was really interested in the ceremonies we deliver across Scotland. We explained to him our ethos and the story behind Fuze Ceremonies. He was interested to hear that as well as conducting weddings in Scotland we all also offer;...