Thursday Thoughts:  How to Think Positively

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  Last week, we had a think about the self-talk cycle and how it can have a huge impact on both our personal and professional lives.  So this week...

Thursday Thoughts:  The Self-Talk Cycle

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week, we thought we’d have a think about the self-talk cycle and how it can have a huge impact on both our personal and professional lives. It...

Thursday Thoughts:  Life’s a Beach, Clean it Up

Each week, as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we like to have a good think about the issues and challenges society faces on a day-to-day basis.  This week we’re shining the spotlight on how we all have the capacity to make a positive impact on the world we share. With global problems...

Thursday Thoughts:  Focus on the Fundamentals

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week, we thought we’d highlight why going back to basics by understanding and acknowledging the fundamentals of your professional or personal life, can be incredibly useful. As...

Thursday Thoughts: Think Like a Winner

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week, after announcing the name of our ‘Win a Wedding Ceremony’ winner we thought we’d take a look at the benefits of thinking like a winner! The...

Thursday Thoughts:  Kickstart a Brand New Routine

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week we are focussing on how we go about getting into an accomplished rhythm of routine.  Many people procrastinate and find a reason why the timing isn’t...

Thursday Thoughts:  How to Concentrate your Mind

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week we are focussing on where we put our concentration and the effect that can have. Today’s world is full of uncertainty, fact.  So how do we...

Thursday Thoughts: Reform to Perform

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week we are focussing on how to start performing. “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves” In life, we will...

Thursday Thoughts:  Plan for Brilliance

Each week as part of our Thursday Thoughts series of blogs, we’ve been taking a look at how we can be the best possible version of ourselves.  This week we’re going to focus on how to make that tentative leap from having a great idea to devising a realistic plan. Begin with the outcome and...