Typical! You’ve spent months, if not years, planning one of the biggest days of your life, only to have the rug pulled from under your feet by what? A freakin’ virus! The reality of this almost defies belief, but if this is your current reality, then you’re not alone. We want you to know that if you’ve booked a Fuze Celebrant to conduct your ceremony, we will do EVERYTHING in our power to work with you, no matter what route you decide to go down. Furthermore, we are incredibly fortunate that the Scottish wedding industry is an exceptionally close-knit community, so we’re 100% confident we’ll all work together to make the magic happen for you!
One of the most frustrating aspects of the Corona-crisis is the level of unpredictability that is currently encircling the pandemic. Nobody has any idea how long this will last or how “locked down” things are going to get. This blog aims to guide couples, who are scheduled to marry on Scottish soil, through their options.
The Big Question: Should we cancel our wedding?
As of 15th March 2020, the Scottish Government advised that indoor or outdoor gatherings of over 500 should not go ahead. With the average UK wedding guestlist hitting the 120 mark, the majority of couples CAN legally go ahead with their big day (at this point). However, we highly recommend that couples consider the following points:
Will your guests be/have:
Travelling far. Many countries both within and out-with the EU are now officially on lock-down, meaning guests will be stuck in their home country. Furthermore, the aviation industry has been massively impacted by Covid-19, with many popular routes having been grounded and cancelled.
Underlying health issues. Guests with underlying heath issues will be the most susceptible to having serious problems if they come into contact with the virus.
Over 60. Guests over the age of 60 are reported to be particularly vulnerable due to their immune system’s natural aging process.
If any of the above groups happen to find themselves on your wedding guestlist, we highly recommend that you take one of the following steps for the safety of everyone involved:
Plan A: Postpone everything to a later date. As previously mentioned, the majority of suppliers, including us, will be more than happy to work with you to arrange a new date.
Plan B: Go ahead with your planned ceremony date with a stripped back “essential” guestlist. This can go ahead in your family home, garden, park or favourite place. Post-Corona, organise a HUGE party to celebrate (both your wedding and the end of this nightmare!)
Plan C: Elope to the wilds! Eloping to Scotland is ridiculously romantic and increasingly popular, so why not jump on the bandwagon and take a drive to one of the country’s most beautiful locations and say “I do”?

Ploughing on…
If none of the above points apply to your big day, then you could reasonably plough on with your wedding plans, but it would be sensible to follow the advice below:
Livestream your event. With modern day technology just a click away, you can share a live video of your ceremony with loved-ones who are unable to attend. Set up a Facebook Live or Instagram Live to capture the event.
Sanitation Stations. It is essential that you have hand sanitiser available and ample antibacterial soap for guests to use to wash their hands. Set up sanitation stations.
Keep your distance. Keep social distancing at the forefront of your mind. Introduce elbow or fist bumps as the default greeting.
Catering & bar options. Fashionable sharing platters, buffets and DIY bars could potentially put more people at risk. Ask your caterers about alternatives.