Happy Birthday Fuze

April 18, 2014by anne

Celebrating: Fuze are 2 yrs old!

I can’t believe that it’s 2 years since we started.  It has rushed past in a blur of weddings, namings, funerals, parties, events, wedding shows, trade shows, launch parties … that’s just a few of the things we’ve been up to.  There’s been lots of celebrations, so much happiness and joy and quite a few tears too.  And not all of that from our customers.

Starting up a business and a not-for-profit organisation at the same time has been a massive challenge.  All credit to the fabulous team we are building.

In our first year, I started things off and convinced Victoria to take a leap of faith, leave her job and join me in a new business.  A few months later we convinced Morag to do the same.  Its fantastic working with my family, I couldn’t have picked a better team.   I’ve always believed in getting the best people for the job, so why look any further than my own family when they are so talented !

Year 1 was all about ceremonies and year 2 we’ve had to recruit and train celebrants due to the growth in demand.  We’ve had a rapid growth in the number of supporters and now have over 3,000 people who support the Fuze Foundation and we’ve raised thousands £ for the Fuze Foundation, which was a great boost to everyone.  In Y3 we are looking ahead with more innovations.  We’re delighted to have recruited graduates Cindy and Jodie.  They are having a massive impact and their talent, drive and determination is helping us move forward into 2014 with lots of new ideas.

We’re not going to stand still.  We’re still very young, not even out of nappies yet, so just wait and see what we can do when we grow up !

Just want to give our core and extended team a big hug and say thanks for believing in us.